Argyroid Nano Silver Spray

350 EGP1,250 EGP

غير متاح بالمخزون



Nano Silver appears to be a powerful, natural antibiotic and preventative against infections. Acting as a catalyst, it reportedly disables the enzyme that unicellular organisms (bacteria, viruses and fungi) need for their respiration. They suffocate without corresponding harm occurring to human enzymes or parts of the human body chemistry. The result is the destruction of disease-causing organisms in the body. The presence of Nano Silver near a microorganism disables its oxygenating enzymes.
Within few minutes, the pathogen suffocates and dies, and is cleared out of the body by the immune, lymphatic and elimination systems. Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, which destroy beneficial enzymes, Nano Silver leaves these tissue-cell enzymes intact, as they are radically different from the enzymes of primitive unicellular life. Thus Nano Silver is absolutely safe for humans. Taken orally, the Nano Silver is partially absorbed from the mouth, and then transported quickly to the body cells. In three to four days the Nano Silver may accumulate in the tissues sufficiently for benefits to begin. Nano Silver is eliminated by the kidneys, lymph system and bowel after several weeks. A regular daily intake is recommended for a protection if routinely exposed to dangerous pathogenic germs. In cases of minor burns, an accumulation of Nano Silver may hasten healing, reducing the possibility of scar tissue and infection. Nano Silver has been reported to kill many micro-organisms which are associated with human diseases. This does not automatically mean that taking Nano Silver will “cure” diseases “caused” by these germs. Nano Silver only kills micro-organisms when they are in contact with it for a sufficient period of time.


Nano Silver has only 2 ingredients: silver and pharmaceutical grade purified water. It does not contain added silver compounds (silver salts or proteins) that render other silver products ineffective and possibly dangerous. In addition, to maintain product purity and integrity, it is packaged in non-leaching glass bottles.

Suggested Use

Suggested Use: 5 to 10 sprays, 4 times per day
Serving Size: 30 sprays equal (5 ml) = 1 teaspoon
Servings Per Container: 24



بخاخ ارجيرويد (نانو سيلفر) مضاد للفيروسات بما فى ذلك فيروس كورونا كما أثبتت ذلك الأبحاث العلمية. ويفيد أيضا فى علاج الكثير من الأعراض:
الحروق السطحية
مطهر للجروح
مضاد لقشرة الرأس
مضاد للتينيا
لعلاج تسلخات الفخذين والإبطين
علاج للسع الحشرات
علاج للسع قنديل البحر
علاج الميكروب الحلزونى بالمعدة وبالتالى يعالج حرقان المعدة.
يفيد فى علاج حساسية الصدر



تحتوي نانو سيلفر على مكونين فقط: المياه النقية من الدرجة الفضية والصيدلانية. لا يحتوي على مركبات فضية مضافة ( أملاح فضية أو بروتينات ) تجعل منتجات الفضة الأخرى غير فعالة وربما خطيرة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، للحفاظ على نقاء المنتج وسلامته ، يتم تعبئته في زجاجات زجاجية غير ترشيح.

الاستخدام المقترح

الاستخدام المقترح: 5 إلى 10 بخاخات ، 4 مرات في اليوم
حجم التقديم: 30 بخاخًا يساوي ( 5 مل ) = 1 ملعقة صغيرة
حصص لكل حاوية: 24


معلومات إضافية


عبوة, عرض 4 عبوات


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Argyroid Nano Silver Spray

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